Guest Questionnaire Privacy Policy

VIKAND Solutions, LLC
1001 S Andrews Avenue, Suite 120
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33316, U.S.A.
Phone:  +1 754 715 4961
Fax:  +1 954 256 5056


VIKAND is committed to protecting guest questionnaires in accordance with privacy laws and ensures the data is used only for the purpose for which it was intended, review of guest questionnaires. VIKAND provides a guest questionnaire review service to its cruise line clients.  VIKAND is committed to providing its clients with a medical record review method that is safe, secure and trustworthy. For a current list of cruise line clients, see

As a client who has contracted with VIKAND to review its guest questionnaires prior to boarding its vessel, the client assures VIKAND that proper consent has been obtained from its passengers.  The client further authorizes VIKAND to administer and store this data for the purpose outlined above.

VIKAND provides a service whereby it conducts a medical review of passengers sailing with on its clients’ vessels.  When contracted to do so, VIKAND receives guest questionnaires for review from the cruise line or its passengers.  VIKAND receives the personal data necessary to provide our clients with a clear medical profile of passengers.

The data received are used for the sole objective of reviewing guest questionnaires prior to boarding one of the cruise line’s vessels.  Any external communication regarding these medical records is limited to the cruise line with whom the passenger will embark.  We do not share this information with any other outside parties.  We inform our clients that personal data received from VIKAND can only be used for purposes for which it was intended as outlined above.

STORAGE OF PERSONAL DATA                                               
Guest questionnaires are stored in accordance with HIPAA and EU data protection laws.  This data is retained in accordance to flag state requirements and after this time period, personal data will be deleted.

At any time, the cruise line or any passenger whose medical information has been reviewed by VIKAND upon request from one of its clients is entitled to contact VIKAND to access their personal data, to make changes, or to request that some or all of the personal data be removed from our system. This can be done by writing to  Requests received in writing will receive a response within 30 days of receipt of request.

In regards to its personal data policy, VIKAND is subjected to the laws of the United States Federal Trade Commission and when requested by legal authorities of the United States may be obligated to provide access to any personal data received if requested for legal or security reasons.

Additionally VIKAND is fully committed to achieving full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and will conform to all principles associated with data protection policies from and all European countries.